Retired Breeder & Adult Dogs Available for Adoption

Adult dogs are often ideal for mature adults who dont have the energy or desire to train a puppy.

We have several adults and older pups available; (See below)

Please email if interested in one of our future adult dogs. We do have rescued cats who need homes! Some were in very dire need when they came here. 

(If you have a puppy or dog from us in the past and are interested in a retired adult, or puppy please mention it. Large discount for previous families, including extended families for puppy and adult Pugs, older Frenchie pups, and the dogs listed below.)

These are some of the retired adults, or older puppies who are available currently. We also have 3 6 month old Frenchie boy pups not pictured.

See information below, and more information for the older pups is on their breed specific puppy page.

See puppy pages for more info on pups of all ages.

Frenchie, Pug, Cavalier, and Cavapoo puppy pages (under the puppy tab above.).

Perfect for the family wanting a puppy, but not wanting the intensive long puppy training. They learn fast with less repititions, and can wait much longer to go potty.

Several adult dogs ready for homes now!

See below for more about each dog pictured above, (not all are pictured.)

My family and friends who work/ed here are growing in different directions, (playing with and cleaning up after puppies and dogs is of course a low end job...) and with only wanting people I know and trust to be safe with the animals I do not keep up with website updates as much as I should, or getting new photos as needed. I need to do needed care of the puppies, and dogs first.

Some people reading this may have lost their furry best friend. Our dogs, and cats too, really are family. Loss is miserable. I have so many people write, or call thinking they are "weird" because of how much grief they are feeling. Its not weird at all, our best furry best friends are a big chunk of love. They are not replaceable. But adding a new dog to love is like sunshine peeking through the clouds after a storm. 🙂

Adults Available now:

Cavapoo F1: Juliet, 24 pounds, crate trained, super sweet, very shy with new people, but always sweet. not spayed yet. Hasnt had much formal training but is super easy.

Older Pug puppy, and baby Pugs: see pug puppy page. Junior, is 9 months old and available.

French Bulldog: Mazzora and Neelly will be retiring in summer or fall 2025

Frenchie Pups: see Frenchie puppy page. 7 month old and younger puppies available.

I am sometimes terrible at getting new photos. Please feel free to make an appointment to meet them in person if interested, or be persistent in asking for photos until I manage to get them..... Our vet has been backed up about spay appointments for our retired moms and appointments to neuter the older puppies. We can adopt them out sooner and take off $250. of the regular adoption fee. Retired moms are $500. to $1800. plus tax to adopt, depending on the breed, if spayed already, and age. Puppies and young adults see fee on the puppy page.


We also have several Cavaliers retiring, see below. Our dogs annual health clinic was in April 2024. Cavaliers can develop a heart murmur (most will, but it may be much later in life). It is a breed problem. We have a cardiologist exam them yearly and those who have developed a murmur are retired. We retire all the moms at 6 years old even if they dont have a murmur. Since you want them to make 5 to 6 years before they develop a murmur we prefer to breed at around 6 years old the last time, since it is the only way to increase breeds future heart quality, by more pups from parents who have the best hearts. We may adopt sooner if you would like your vet to do the spay and dental. We would take $300 off the $750. adoption fee. (keep in mind our vet fees for dental and spay are probably much less then your vet may charge.)

Read the cavalier parent page for more information on hearts. 4/18/23;

Josie Rose, Tri color: Crate trained, super sweet good with everyone and everything, Sometimes will hog the food bowl. 6 years. She is now available March 2025. passed her OFA heart exam 4-2024.

I retire all our mom dogs after several years of breeding. 

It works great for us, for our retired moms, and their new families. They are healthy, housebroken (and/or crate trained), and come when called. They all walk on a leash and stand great for grooming.

They will take some adjusting into a new home but they are so easy many families keep in touch for a long time letting me know what a great dog they are and how happy they are to have one of mine. They are wonderful for the person or family who wants a companion, without all the time and energy a puppy requires. Some are excellent for mature persons who need a companion, but are unable to train a puppy.

Some have not been loose in the house very much just play times, they never potty in a crate, and most automatically go to the door when they need out.

If you are looking for an adult who has had a kind and warm family life, a retired adult would be perfect for you. Some may be very shy as we live in a rural area and they have limited exposure to all things town, or city. Contact us to double check availability after reading about each dog on this website. Sometimes this page isn't updated as often as needed since I have a list of families waiting for an adult that may have not responded yet. Please feel free to email for current info.

Our retired Westie, Cavalier or Pug moms are usually 6 years old and $750. (Retired Frenchies vary in cost and age, from $500. to $2400. from 1 to 6 years old)

Usually adults will be spayed, teeth cleaned (only if it can be done at the same time of the spay,) microchipped, and current on vaccinations. Please email if you would like to be on the list for an update when an adult becomes available after reading information.​

We 0ccasionaly have older puppies 2024 we had more then we have ever had! I was unable to email, or get photos due to Uncle Al having open heart surgery in January 2024, and again in August 2024. It has been a rough year in more ways then one! See the puppy pages for availability.

(See Program below on "foster to adopt" if you really want a puppy or older dog and can not find one, yet are willing to give a mom a great home and be in the program.)


We probably wont have any retired Westie mom who will be available until 2025. Occasionally I will retire one sooner. 

(See Program below on "foster to adopt.")


see above

French Bulldogs

See above for dogs available.

We only breed the French Bulldogs a few times if they need c-sections. Unlike dogs having puppies naturally they should only have about 4 c-sections before being spayed. (The vet lets us know at the time of the c-section if they believe they need to be spayed, or are fine to have another litter.) Needing a c-section is one reason the cost of puppies from these breeds cost so much more. They take just as long to mature yet they get retired much younger, with many more vet bills. Amazingly they don't act much different after having a c-section compared to having puppies naturally.

(see at top of page.)

(See Program below on foster to adopt.)

Uncle Al's Pugs

He only has a few adult female Pugs. He does have a few younger Pugs for future parent prospects. His first retiree, Sugar and Sally he kept, his favorites. Although he would keep them all...... He is having a fit about adopting Hilde out, but he has had surgery and I am drowning in work, and he has the other moms who would like more attention. 

Foster to adopt / Guardianship

We hope to have some of our breeding quality dogs in foster to adopt programs, please contact us if interested! (See Program at Bottom of page)


Retired parents price varies from $500. to $1800. plus tax, depending on their age and breed. All are AKC. Older puppies and young adults are the same, or if well trained a bit more than the puppy price.

For any of our adults if they are not already done we will usually spay/neuter any adopted for pets before adoption. Also all are crate trained, walk on a leash and they do not potty in the large kennel inside, although some may not have been loose 24/7 in the house as we usually crate our dogs at night and when we are not watching them.

We had our annual health clinic April 2024.  If anyone does not pass we retire them after appropriate spay/neuter procedure is completed, last time everyone tested with the cardiac and optomogoligist (OFA certified) passed making it hard to know who to let go!  So many Frenchies have so many health problems because people breed anything and do not do heart testing and don't care if the nares are so small the dog cant breath. Health and happiness of our puppies is top priority. Every dog should be born able to breath with ease, not bred to what looks the most cute, because it is so deformed it cant hardly breath and needs surgery, or cant do stairs due to back, leg and hip problems. Most all our dogs are tested for DM and we do our best to avoid any pairs who may have puppies who are DM positive, although with frenchies positive does not mean a problem, just at possible risk.

Many breeders do no testing at all!

Foster to Adopt / Guardianship Program.

We offer a contract to approved homes who are interested in having one of our female puppies / dogs.

The family must live close enough to us that transporting her here a few times a year would not be a problem. 

Basically the dog will be owned by us, but live with a family. She would be here anytime she is in season (once, or twice a year), for health testing once a year, and if pregnant to deliver and raise the puppies until 8 to 9 weeks of age. When she is retired she will be spayed and stay in her adopted home as a pet. Ownership will be transferred to her family at that time. 

We have several families with dogs in the program now. Its a great way to be involved with the joy of puppies (usually they are raised here but families visit them often) without any of the expense, stress of the puppies, or work finding terrific homes for the pups. Plus we will babysit her when families go on vacations if needed and then she is in a familiar environment when she does have her puppies. Win Win for everyone!